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Spiders belong to a group of animals called arachnids. They have sharp fangs that eject venom. Some spiders like the Huntsman look very dangerous but are harmless.



A special type of spider called the Portius is a very unique type of spider. It can jump for over 50 times its body size. It also has very good eyesight. It can see the world as a 3D image to plan how it will attack its prey, other spiders. If it is too hard to drop down on a spider it will pluck the strings of the web as to imitate struggling prey, the spider will then go to the sound and the Portius will kill it. 


Others like the redback are very dangerous but only the female bite is dangerous. They can cause serious illness and are known to cause deaths. Luckily these spiders rarely every leaves their web and will only bite you if you stick a body part directly into the web.


Trapdoor Spiders construct a burrow with a cork-like trapdoor made of soil, plants, and silk. They camouflage their burrows to their surroundings so when prey is above the door it will quickly fling the door open and eat it. Trapdoor spiders aren't very dangerous, some pain and swelling may occur. There has been one report of a sigillate trapdoor spider having unspecified severe effects on someone.

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